Booking Request

Booking Request

Check-in date:

Check-out date:

Adults/children above 13 years:

Children from 8 to 13 years:



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Reservation summary

Thank you for your interest! We have just sent you the confirmation of your booking request by e-mail.

Check-in date: - Change
Check-out date: - Change
Number of nights:
Adults/children above 13 years: - Change
Children from 8 to 13 years: - Change
Accommodation: - Change

Accommodation price: €
Options price: -
Coupon discount amount: €

Total price: €

As soon as we have processed your request and the room(s) of your choice is (are) available in the requested period, you will receive the binding confirmation of your booking by email from us.

Terms and Conditions

There is no active payment gateways. Please activate at least one payment gateway in HBook settings (Hbook > Payment).

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